Hosted on the 20th of April at ExCeL London, CRB Cunninghams exhibited at the Academies Show. Located at stand 540, we had a variety of solutions for the education sector on display and our knowledgeable representatives on hand to help out with any questions or queries.

We showcased our Impact Cashless Catering system and Identity Management solution, iDStore, alongside our new multi-application identity reading device, the iDReader Pro, which received a lot of positive feedback. The iDReader Pro is compatible with Electronic Registration, Locker Management, Password Management, Balance Checking and Print & Copy Control.


The show was bustling with exhibitors and welcomed over 3,600 public sector visitors. Overall, the day was very positive and enjoyable, with conversations with current and prospective clients.

It was great to see some familiar faces and brand new ones, all of whom we would like to thank for visiting our stand and making the day a success.

We hope to see you at next year's show!