As schools strive to provide students with the best possible dining experience, integrated cashless catering is rapidly gaining popularity. From pre-ordering school meals and online payments to identity management and cashless transactions, integrated solutions like Fusion Cashless Catering consolidates all school solutions into a user-friendly platform, providing unparalleled flexibility and convenience.  

With technology and innovation on the rise, integrated cashless catering is quickly becoming the preferred option for schools looking to stay ahead of the curve and improve their operational efficiency. 


Benefits of an integrated cashless solution 

One solution. One contact: By consolidating multiple solutions under one roof, schools can eliminate the need for various support teams and slow integrations. Schools can simplify their day-to-day tasks with one comprehensive solution, saving time and effort. 

Enhanced User Experience: Integrated cashless catering can make slow school transactions a thing of the past thanks to lightning-fast and seamless synchronisation across all payment channels and functions. Plus, the solution offers flexibility to choose recognition methods that suit your establishment, such as biometric recognition, reducing wait times and enhancing the overall dining experience. 

Endless Possibilities: An integrated cashless catering system can provide schools with a range of features from one provider, including iPayimpact online payments and Fusion Online, the school meal pre-ordering app, and other features. Schools can establish a Grab & Go lunch service or seek advanced cashless catering innovations, providing endless possibilities to enhance the dining experience. 

Campbell College embraces integrated cashless catering

Campbell College, an independent school based in Northern Ireland, faced numerous challenges with its traditional cash collection methods and outdated catering system. The school needed to replace its existing system with a modern solution that offers speed of service, manages purchases through the cashless system, and offers an online payment integration. Fusion Cashless was the perfect solution. 

"Before CRB Cunninghams, we used an old system which heavily relied on cash, and it was very important for us to find an integrated solution."
- Finance Manager at Campbell College. 

By connecting iDStore, our identity management solution, to Fusion, for a truly integrated cashless solution, Campbell College staff can process transactions at the till in a shorter period without needing cash payments. Minimising cash payments has helped the school increase meal uptake in the canteen through a faster and more efficient lunch service. In addition, Fusion has provided Campbell College with a central database that gives them access to extensive reporting options, including meal ordering trends, which has provided valuable insights to enable the school to reduce food wastage. 


"We have maximised our profits each day, and we have seen a rise in numbers we get through lunchtime."
- Business Manager at Sodexo, Campbell College's catering provider. 

By combining Fusion with iDStore, Campbell College has reduced admin burdens by supporting data on one central database. As iDStore synchronises multiple databases into one location, eliminating numerous updates and ensuring all system data is correct and updated. 

Join the integrated cashless catering movement and upgrade to Fusion.

To learn more about the power of Fusion, download our interactive guide, which provides a detailed overview of our end-to-end cashless system—highlighting the various features and seamless integrations. Whether you want to establish a Grab & Go lunch service or explore advanced cashless catering innovations, Fusion has got you covered. 
