We recently asked students, guardians, and school staff at CRB Cunninghams cashless schools how they would benefit from the online payment software iPayimpact and the pre-order app, Fusion Online. With over 460 responses submitted over five days, our user feedback shows a significant demand for online and pre-ordering from UK schools. 

CRBC users share their thoughts and the benefits of the software.

iPayimpact comes out on top for parents

80% of parents and guardians prefer our iPayimpact online payment system to top-up their child’s account online. When discussing the benefits of pre-payments, most comments highlighted the ease of use and seamless payment functionality, which saves parents time looking for cash, and time for the student waiting in the lunchtime queue.

For parents and guardians, the software also combats the common worry that their child will not get a school meal if they do not have cash or forget to take a packed lunch.

20% of guardians who would like to add the online payment platform to their school mentioned COVID-19 as a crucial factor for wanting a contactless school lunch service. 



Parents choose Fusion Online

Over half of the parents and guardians that took part in our survey say their school would benefit from the pre-order app Fusion Online. As well as universal credit anonymity and less queuing, for parents, the main benefit is knowing that their children are receiving the meals they like and want.

One guardian based in Worcester commented: “My daughters are vegetarian and struggle with choice and time in queues. The pre-order app would help with this.”

Another guardian of a high school pupil in Hartlepool stated: “My son is autistic, and it would be very helpful to pre-order his food. Also, kids sometimes push in front of him in the queue, and he eats slowly, so extra time saved in queuing would be very beneficial to him.”



Students choose iPayimpact

63% of students want iPayimpact for an easier and quicker lunchtime experience. When asked why they would benefit from the software, one high school student based in London stated: “Because it’s the best”, and we can't help but agree with their response!

Students also prefer iPayimpact online payments because the system offers a more efficient lunch service making it easier to attend lunchtime clubs. Likewise, the secure payment method is helpful if they lose their lunch cards, and being contactless helps reduce the spread of COVID-19.

62% of students vote for Fusion Online

The pre-order app Fusion Online allows students to pre-order their favourite school meals anytime, anywhere. Their order is packaged and ready to be collected at lunchtime without queuing or paying at the till - it’s already taken care of through Fusion Online.

One high school student based in Southend on Sea commented: “It will save us having to queue up in the line, and instead, we will just be able to grab what is labelled with our names.”

Whilst another student highlights the importance of staying in school for nutritious school meals: “Eating in school will help with my health and mental stability to do more work and to have more energy in lessons.”

The software that promotes an “easier way to grab and go” was voted for by students for its universal credit anonymity, speed of getting to lessons on time after breaks, choosing meals ahead of time, the ability to check your cashless balance on your phone and for its speed of service and choice of meals.




Students further comment:

  • “Easier for students” - high school student, Liverpool
  • “No need to queue” - high school student, Lambeth
  • “If you forget your card at home, you can scan your phone instead” - high school student, Abingdon
  • “Get the food you like instead of what is left at the end of the queue” - high school student, Manchester
  • “So my parents know what I’m eating and choose if it’s halal or not” - high school student, Birmingham

Fusion Online: It’s about time for school staff

For school staff, Fusion Online is a real time-saver with its main benefit being convenience. Over 85% of staff voted to implement Fusion Online into their school’s lunch service, stating that:

  • “It’s a faster way to get food, which makes it easier for me between lessons” - school staff, London
  • “It’s safer with COVID-19, and it’s easy to use” - school staff, Abingdon



Are you looking to implement iPayimpact and Fusion Online?

Book a free demo with our team to see the importance of implementing combined software that streamlines the entire school payment and pre-ordering process.