Schools are embracing new technology to enhance ways to communicate with parents virtually. CRB Cunninghams has created a two-way communication tool to offer flexibility and save time for schools and parents.

Using a parent communication tool has vast benefits for schools and communities. Connecting through a virtual communication messaging system has many advantages such as improving cooperation and helping schools gain parents’ trust. The children attain the reward of everyone being on the same page.

There are many advantages of schools using parent communication apps. We want to highlight five benefits of using these advanced communication systems.


1.   Build better communication between parents and schools

Strong relationships between parents and schools are a top priority, as parental engagement is a measure that Ofsted investigate. A virtual messaging tool, such as iPayimpact Communications, allows parents to be active in school life with limited time, aiding the need to keep up to date with school news, activities and updates more effortless and instant.

Parents have easy access to virtual communication messaging apps at their fingertips; four out of five adults now own a smartphone, allowing them to participate in school surveys, providing valuable feedback to understand parents’ thoughts on specific issues.

Schools can quickly and easily inform parents of school projects or volunteering opportunities—encouraging parents who may not be as involved in the school community to engage in school activities. Parents will feel more in the loop, which can play a positive part in their opinion towards the school.

Overall, improving communication between schools and parents has a knock-on effect that can lead to better parental engagement, a priority for many schools.

2.   Two-way and one-way communication

A two-way conversation from parents to schools or vice versa can be effortless when using a virtual parent messaging app. Parents can keep track of correspondence with the school and save them all in one place. Schools can also benefit from having parent conversation history if it is needed.

Giving parents a more straightforward virtual communication method means informing the school if their child cannot attend by reporting an absence, which allows parents to elaborate on these absences.

Schools can reap the benefits from virtual messaging regarding absences. They can carry out any adjustments to their environment for the well-being of their pupils and prevent time-consuming chasing for unexplained absences.

Schools can send one-way messages to keep parents informed of any changes, like closures, cancelling afterschool clubs or the car park, making one-way communication suitable for schools to quickly send information to a concentrated group of parents.

Virtual parent communication apps, such as iPayimpact Communications, enable both parties to instantly exchange necessary information in a two-way or one-way manner with no hassle of chasing for a response or needing to rush to produce newsletters.


3.   Cost-effective

Schools across the UK use up to 1 million sheets of paper a year and spend on average £60,000 on photocopying [1]. The power of sending virtual messages to parents helps schools reduce costly resources, which can help them save money and time.

Virtual parent communication tools are a cost-effective way of keeping school communities informed. Digital communication software can reduce errors since most messaging tools prompt schools to review messages before sending them. A simple review of a virtual message prevents printing new copies of letters or forms.

Communicating with parents virtually through messaging apps can offer schools an ROI (return on investment). The money saved on costly resources can pay for a virtual parent communication messaging tool.


4.  One platform, one login

If there is one thing that schools don't need is yet another system to log into! One of the best tips for schools looking for a communications platform is to find one that is integrated into your other systems to ensure seamless school processes. 

iPayimpact Communications is built within our online payments solution to offer schools one seamlessly integrated package. This means that school staff can easily access the platform without having to sign in to another system. This also helps staff send relevant parental communications around payments with a few clicks!

5.  Save admin time

Printing letters contacting or chasing parents to respond to a slip is highly time-consuming. Sending a simple message to parents through one messaging tool means schools can rest assured knowing it will be received. Usually, schools are guaranteed a response from parents.

Virtual parent communication tools such as iPayimpact Communications offer a fantastic, easy-to-use interface to send parents messages, alerts, and documents. Using tools like these reduces schools’ need to locate parent details and contact them via telephone.

Having the ability to send messages and notifications to parents through messaging platforms is extremely easy. These tools can allow you to select specific class years or a group of pupils who attend an afterschool club, freeing up admin time on tailoring letters to send to parents.

 Suppose you are looking for an easy way to communicate. In that case, a cost-effective solution to build your parental engagement and communication by investing in communication tools is the best step forward.

Staff, pupils and parents can reap the rewards from enhancing how they communicate with parents, which is why schools are now implementing virtual communication tools. It gives parents the ultimate flexibility; they can stay in the loop and stay up to date.


Click here to find out more about getting the most effective way to communicate with parents.Comms