
We are delighted to introduce our newest team member, Cindy Thöle, who recently joined CRB Cunninghams as the Customer Success Director as part of our ongoing investment in our customers. In her new role, Cindy will focus on enhancing the customer experience in line with their overall journey, ensuring our schools have the best possible experience with CRB Cunninghams.

Investing in the customer experience

With over 15 years of experience in customer support and management, including in the telecommunications and financial software industries, Cindy has dedicated years to improving the customer experience.

Before joining CRB Cunninghams, Cindy worked as the Head of Customer Success in the financial software industry, which involved managing Customer Success Managers and the Customer Support Team to maintain high customer satisfaction scores, high customer retention rates, and good net revenue growth.

Cindy’s previous roles enabled her to find her passion for working in the software sector and leading customer-facing teams that make a real difference to industry professionals.

With school professionals facing increasing pressures to provide an outstanding school experience to pupils and parents by investing in new technology, as CRB Cunningham’s Customer Success Director, Cindy will focus on ensuring our customers receive the best possible service.

“Driving my teams to be best in class and ensuring our customers enjoy working with us will be key in my new role. From sale to renewal, I’ll work closely with the team to enhance our customer offering and provide the best possible experience for all involved.”

Enhancing the customer journey

Cindy is passionate about enhancing the customer journey, which will be the driving force in her role as CRB Cunningham’s Customer Success Director.

When discussing what she enjoys most about working in customer success, Cindy highlighted the impact of seeing customers reach their goals and how this plays a significant part in her role.

“The best part of working in customer success is the people, working with customers and joining them on their journey of success, especially seeing the joy when customers and teams reach their goals.”

With thousands of schools across the UK utilising our cashless catering software, from Fusion, our fully integrated cashless catering system, to new developments, including Chip & Pin software, Cindy’s new role as Customer Success Director will ensure our customers remain at the centre of everything we do, enabling schools to benefit from the latest innovations and excel in their cashless offering.

As our customer base expands, Cindy will lead and oversee the customer operations at CRB Cunninghams, ensuring efficient and effective business-wide customer success and operations.

“In my new role, I’m most looking forward to meeting a variety of people with a wealth of industry experience and growing in my role within the business. I’m excited to bring new ideas to the company and work collaboratively with all.”

When sharing what customer success means to Cindy, she said:

“Customer success to me is happy customers and happy teams, which translates to high retention rates and fantastic customer satisfaction scores. This is what motivates me in my role.”

Connect with Cindy on LinkedIn.